Community Life

For where two or three gathered in my name, there am I with them.

— Mt 18,20

The central elements of our student community are the Holy Mass on Sundays and our community events on Wednesday evening.

Every Sunday, we celebrate the Eucharist starting at 11:05 am in the Alojs-Andritzki chapel. Afterwards, we have lunch together in the KSG rooms across the street from the chapel. Sunday afternoon, you can stay for games, talks, a cup of coffee or join the KSG sports team.

The community events on Wednesday evening start at 6:30 pm with a supper at the KSG rooms on Floßplatz 32, second floor. At 7:30 pm we have our evening prayer with songs, psalms and short readings. One Wednesday every month this evening prayer will be a Taizé prayer. At 8 pm we start with the presentation and discussion of an issue chosen from the fields of daily life, science or politics. There will always be speakers invited who give expert insights into the topics at stake. On some Wednesdays, these thematic discussions are replaced by events called Gott und Glaube – “God and Faith”. Here we focus on religious topics and personal faith.


Next to our events and prayers on Wednesday and Sunday, there are multiple other facets and activities of our student community. These events are organized by students of the KSG. You can find more information if you click on the squares below:

Our next events

29. Jan.

Mittwoch at 6:30 pm
KSG Leipzig

Dinner together

29. Jan.

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm

2. Feb.

Sonntag at 11:05 am


5. Feb.

Mittwoch at 6:30 pm
KSG Leipzig

Dinner together

See more