Community Evening - Themenabend

I would never have thought of agreeing with something that would have been against my conscience.

— Thomas More

One of the cornerstones of our community is the community evening. Every Wednesday, we come together to share dinner, starting at 6:30pm, hold an evening prayer, starting at 7:30pm and afterwards discuss a current societal topic together with speakers from the respective field, starting at 8pm. After these inputs and/or discussions, we end the evenings in our basement bar, where we have more room to talk, party or engage in a game of foosball.  

Every Wednesday we have our community evening. On some Wednesdays, societal topics are discussed, on other Wednesdays, religious topics take center stage or we hold joint activities with other Christian student groups of Leipzig and beyond. The selection of topics takes place every semester at the Gemeindevollversammlung (GVV). At this event, held once a semester, anyone who wants to propose a particular topic for the upcoming semester can do so (at best in advance) and all of those who feel like they belong to the KSG vote on it prior or at the GVV.  

By the way: at the GVV we also vote our leadership group, the GL, and the social project we want to finance the next semester.  

If you are interested, just swing by and get to know us on one of our next community evenings. 

Our next events

2. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

9. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

16. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

23. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

See more