
Light’s glittering morn bedecks the sky, night’s chaos recedes, forth comes the Lord most high, the light has come, Christ is near.

— prayer, Lauds

7 reason to come to the morning prayer (Lauds) 

I come to the KSG morning prayer at 7:45 a.m. every Freday, because

  • it’s a wonderful, calm and social start to my day 
  • I am interested in getting to know new people, views and ideas  
  • I like to pause and think to start my day right, to have Jesus start with me 
  • I am going to start my day with a smile 
  • praying is part of my faith and renews my faith in God 
  • appointments and tasks over the day will be easier to handle 
  • that way I am able to get up early and have a productive day  

That is why I come to the morning prayer. When are you going to come? 

Every Friday at 7:45 am we start the day together with a morning prayer at the KSG and a following breakfast. You are more than welcome to join us. Remember: there is more than one reason to at least give it a try. For questions ask our Lauds soul.

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