Our Premises

Rooms of the KSG at the Floßplatz

Most of our events take place in the KSG rooms at Floßplatz 32. For example, the community evening on Wednesdays and the joint lunch after the service on Sundays.
The congregation rooms are located on the 2nd floor. There you will find our prayer room. Lauds on Tuesday and Vespers on Wednesday take place there.
You can reach the KSG by streetcar best via the stops Hohe Straße, Münzgasse/LVZ or Härtelstraße.



A few meters away from the KSG rooms at the Floßplatz is our Alojs-Andritzki Chapel at Harkortstraße 19 across from the Federal Administrative Court. Here we celebrate Holy Mass every Sunday at 11:05 am.


Our next events

2. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

9. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

16. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

23. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

See more