
The Freundeskreis der KSG Leipzig e.V. or Circle of Friends is a network of current and former students of the KSG. We, as members of the Circle of Friends, aim to support the KSG ideationally and financially. Furthermore, we maintain the bond and contacts between current students and alumni of the KSG.

We warmly welcome you on our Website: You may contact the board here.

Here you can find the latest charter of the association Freundeskreis der KSG Leipzig e.V.: 

Satzung des Freundeskreis der KSG Leipzig e.V.
Beitragsordnung des Freundeskreis der KSG Leipzig e.V.



The Freundesbrief is a magazine, published once a year, which informs about current news and past events around the KSG. It is send to every member of the Circle of Friends for free. You can also find some copies at the KSG. 



You are invited to support the Circle of Friends and its work by becoming a member (see below) or making a donation. Please donate to this bank account:

Depositor: Freundeskreis der KSG Leipzig e.V.
IBAN: DE82 7509 0300 0008 2032 96
Bank: Liga Bank e.G. Regensburg

Thank you very much for your support! 


Become a Member

Support the KSG Leipzig and the work of the Circle of Friends by becoming a member. Simply use this form.

Our next events

2. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

9. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

16. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

23. Okt

Mittwoch at 8:00 pm
KSG Leipzig

Theme evening

See more