Themed evening "Me, myself & I" - Social loneliness & social alienation

Loneliness. According to studies, more and more people in modern industrialized nations feel lonely, in Germany around 42%. Of these, around 16% always or very often feel lonely. Young people under 30 (our age group) and old people over 70 are particularly affected by loneliness.
On Wednesday, 17.01.2024, we want to discuss the topic of ‚Me, myself & I – Loneliness & Social Alienation‘ together. Anne Herrmann (Student Counseling HTWK), Eva-Maria Ritz (Life Counseling Diocese Dresden-Meißen) and Christian Bieber (Diakonisches Werk – Counseling) will take the time to discuss the topic with us.
As always, the event will begin at 6:30 pm with dinner, followed by evening prayer at 7:30 pm and the start of the themed evening at 8 pm.
You are cordially invited!

Lade Veranstaltungen
  • Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.

17. Januar um 20:00 - 21:30


17. Januar
20:00 - 21:30


KSG Leipzig
Floßplatz 32
Leipzig, Sachsen 04107 Germany
+ Google Karte


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